Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Rasya Dixit

Dr. Rasya Dixit is the best skin specialist in Bangalore.

7 Winter Skincare Tips By A Skin Specialist

Every year with the change in seasons, most people notice changes in their skin. With the onset of the winter season, the nip in the air brings along many skin troubles. The skin becomes dry and cracked because there is less humid air in cold environments and abrasive conditions such as wind which makes it harder for the skin to sustain its natural protective oils. Hence, following a good skincare regimen is the only way to maintain skin health. In this blog, the best skin specialist in Bangalore- Dr. Rasya Dixit has shared seven winter skincare tips that can help one achieve healthy skin even in the winter season. Continue reading, to know more.




  1. Drink plenty of water: In the cold season, most individuals don’t feel like drinking a lot of water or simply forget its intake. But, it is important to remember that in winters the skin cannot retain much of its moisture so there is a need to keep the body hydrated to replenish some of the water content of the body. It’s better to swap the daily intake of tea with green coffee that has greater antioxidant effects. Moreover, skin’s gentle cleansing is a must to keep the skin healthy and retain its vital moisture. Remember not to cleanse the face more than twice a day as it can also further dehydrate the skin. Use a gentle moisturiser right after taking a bath or washing the face.


  1. Avoid getting indulged in hot showers: Taking a hot bath or shower can disrupt the lipid bilayer of the skin. As the essential oils of the skin are stripped off by hot water, the skin becomes dry, begins to crack or flake and gets irritated due to water loss. Hence, Dr. Rasya Dixit, bestskin doctor in Bangalore recommends keeping the temperature at a moderate level and avoiding prolonged stay under hot water so that at least a bit of moisture can be preserved.


  1. Have a check on the ingredients of skin care products to tailor the skincare needs: One must ensure that the skincare products they choose contain ultra-nourishing or hydrating ingredients. The ingredients listed at the backside of these products must include hyaluronic acid (the natural substance with the greatest water retaining ability) and peptides and ceramides (to restore and strengthen the skin barrier so that it holds more moisture). Lightweight hydrating oils (such as jojoba), squalene, and shea can also help in keeping skin hydrated. The moisturizers, body lotions, or oils must be applied to the skin when it is still damp after a not-too-hot shower or face washing. This helps lock in extra moisture.


  1. Use humidifiers or apply hydrating mists: Humidifiers can maintain the moisture in the air at an ideal level, thereby protecting the skin when the person is indoors. A canopy humidifier is usually recommended as it prevents the entry of bacteria and molds and the evaporation system releases only hydrated, pure air and not water vapor. Hydrating mists can be sprayed on the facial skin so that it does not become dry, itchy, or sensitive.


  1. Keep the lips well-moisturized: As the lips have only three to five cellular layers of the skin and no oil glands, they tend to get extremely dry in the winter. Therefore, it is very important to keep applying petroleum jelly or any moisturizing lip balm to quickly heal dry, cracked lips.


  1. Daily apply sunscreens: Although winter has more cloudy and foggy days and fewer UVB rays that are known to cause skin sunburn and redness, there are still UVA rays coming from sunlight that can cause some amount of skin damage. Hence, it is recommended to wear broad-spectrum sunscreens of SPF 30 or above daily. To know more about the use of sunscreen for different skin types one can consult Dr. Rasya Dixit, skin specialist in Bangalore, India at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.


  1. Don’t skip hand and neck skincare: These are the other two areas of the body that greatly suffer during winter. The neck is considered to be a part of the face, hence keeping it hydrated and moisturized as well as cleansing it properly is equally important. Moreover, people frequently wash their hands all through the day, so applying hand cream and keeping it accessible at all times is recommended. For additional moisture, cuticle oil can be applied properly once a day so that even the nails are perfectly healthy.


At Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, the best skin clinic in Bangalore several skin hydrating treatments are offered that help one to make their skin look brighter, hydrated, and rejuvenated. To know more please feel free to visit!