Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Rasya Dixit

Dr. Rasya Dixit is the best skin specialist in Bangalore.


9 Bad Lifestyle Habits That Make Acne Worse

Acne is most likely to occur since the body is not clean from within. However, another reason one often observes acne on the skin is bad lifestyle habits. If one gets rid of these habits along with their diet, they will notice a big differ…

7 Winter Skincare Tips By A Skin Specialist

Every year with the change in seasons, most people notice changes in their skin. With the onset of the winter season, the nip in the air brings along many skin troubles. The skin becomes dry and cracked because there is less humid air in c…

Chemical Peel Treatment for A Healthy Youthful Skin

Chemical peels are one of the best non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments that significantly improve and smoothen the texture of the facial skin by removing the damaged outer layer. This technique is used to improve the appearance of th…

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Smooth hair-free skin is loved by everyone! Hair removal with traditional methods like waxing, shaving, tweezing are time-consuming and have to be repeated at regular intervals. They are painful and do not yield effective results. Laser ha…

Deep Insight Into Dermal Fillers and its Benefits

Dermal filler is one of the most popular minimally invasive procedure that helps to diminish facial lines, soften facial creases, improve the appearance of scars, and restore volume and fullness of the face. These injectables also help in …

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures to Lighten and Rejuvenate the Skin

Pollution, free radical damage, UV radiation, alcohol consumption, and stress all these factors can be troublesome for the skin. The harmful UV rays from the constant exposure to sunlight coupled with pollution make the skin dark and dull …

Dermal Fillers Providing An Alternative to Going Under the Knife

Dermal fillers have emerged as a revolutionary skincare procedure today, providing quick results and a Dermal filler procedures can reverse age lines, correct fine lines, provide support to the sagging tissues of the skin t a fraction of w…