Best Skin Specialist in Bangalore | Dr. Rasya Dixit

Dr. Rasya Dixit is the best skin specialist in Bangalore.

9 Bad Lifestyle Habits That Make Acne Worse

Acne is most likely to occur since the body is not clean from within. However, another reason one often observes acne on the skin is bad lifestyle habits. If one gets rid of these habits along with their diet, they will notice a big difference in their skin.

To provide one with helpful information, Dr. Rasya Dixit, one of the best dermatologist in Bangalore, discusses the common acne-causing habits that one needs to stop immediately.


  1. Not Washing the Face Often

Not washing the face often is one of the biggest reasons why one experiences acne on their face. One must ensure they wash their face with proper cleansers at least twice daily. Do not use soap over the face. Instead, use a proper face wash or a cleanser to ensure the products are mild and not too strong.

  1. Daily Intake of Dairy Products

This will be shocking for some. But yes, dairy products are said to cause inflammation as milk contains insulin that spikes in humans. Also, the excessive production of IGF 1 leads to clogged pores, which causes acne. So if one consumes dairy products a lot, one must reduce it to notice the difference. 

  1. Addicted to Phones? Get Rid of that Habit

One must have heard often that using a smartphone excessively is bad for health. The radiation is what people talk about. But no one would have ever discussed that acne might occur due to the habit of talking on phones for long hours. Every time one places their phone close to the skin, the bacteria is pressed against the face, leading to pores and pimples. And if one is addicted to smartphones, why not use earphones instead?

  1. One Must Use Body Creams on Face

This is one habit that causes the face to break out. One should not use body creams on the face; if one has been doing that, one must stop. This can harm individuals who have sensitive skin. To know which creams are suitable for dry, oily, or sensitive skin, one can book a consultation with Dr. Rasya Dixit at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, one of the Best Skin Clinics in Bangalore. 

  1. Unhealthy Diet

This one goes without saying that an unhealthy diet can wreak havoc on the face. Any diet with too much sugar or a high glycemic index can lead to severe acne on the face. One should reduce the sugar and carb intake if one has acne-free skin and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables. The acne may be brought on by dairy products, refined sugars, wheat, meals high in omega-6 fats, junk food, and other similar things. Also, one must avoid or cut back on the consumption of foods that are bad for the skin. Pizza, white bread, and spaghetti are examples of foods with high glycemic indexes that can increase one’s sugar and cause acne.

  1. Dirty Pillowcase

Dirty pillowcases may exacerbate acne outbreaks. Pimples are caused by the accumulation of bacteria, sweat, dirt, oils, and product residue on dirty pillows. Therefore, one should avoid using dirty pillowcases to prevent acne. 

  1. Makeup Brushes

The brushes and sponges collect oil, dead skin, residual makeup, and oil every time one uses it. If one does not clean them regularly and properly, these tools can re-deposit such unpleasant substances onto the face skin, thereby clogging pores.

  1. Stress Levels

Stress levels are rising as a result of busy lifestyles. There is no doubt that stress can cause acne. Stress induces the release of hormones like cortisol, the stress hormone, which stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce more oil and also causes inflammation. The extra oil clogs pores, and this combination with dust and bacteria results in large, inflammatory pimples.

  1. Mistakes Done While Exercising

When one is finished working out, one must remove their sweaty attire and change into something clean and dry. Pimples on the back and chest are more likely to occur if one avoids a shower after working out. One should change their clothes after the workout. Light and lose fabrics such as cotton material are less likely to cause friction. Therefore, one should select their attire accordingly. 


What to Do if One Has Acne? 

Individuals with acne-prone skin need to be more careful about their habits. Besides that, they should avoid touching or popping existing pimples. One might notice that other blisters occur next to the pimple that one has just popped. Acne papules, cysts, and pustules contain bacteria, debris, and oil that are discharged and spread, causing more breakouts. If one wants to get rid of acne on their face, one can consult Dr. Rasya Dixit, a leading skin expert, to provide one with an effective acne treatment. The clinic also offers effective treatments such as chemical peel, dermal fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, laser toning, mesoglow, vampire facelifts and many more. 

To learn more about the treatments, pay a visit to Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, one of the Best Skin Clinic in Bangalore, to avail the benefits of the treatments. Book a consultation now.

Facts To Know About Laser Hair Reduction

Practically laser hair reduction is applicable to all parts of the body where hair grows. In the laser hair reduction treatment, the laser delivers an intense beam of light which is enough to cause follicular damage to remove unwanted body hair. The surrounding tissue remains unaffected and unharmed while the laser targets the hair follicles. This leaves behind smooth skin without any potential side effects. At Dr. Dixit’s Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, the best laser hair treatment in Bangalore is performed under the supervision of skin expert Dr. Rasya Dixit.

Following are the facts to know about laser hair reduction discussed by Dr. Rasya Dixit for people who want to undergo this procedure and achieve smooth aesthetically appealing skin:

1. Shave before the treatment:
It is recommended to shave the area to be treated about 24 hours before the procedure. A clean shave with a sharp razor is a must so that the laser heat can penetrate into the root of the hair.


2. Avoid tweezing or waxing in between sessions: Waxing, plucking, and tweezing should be avoided prior to laser hair reduction as they can disturb the hair follicles. The root of the hair must be present in the follicle for the laser to identify and effectively destroy the hair.


3. Take all the make-up off, all of it before the procedure starts: On the day of the treatment, make sure the skin is clean and product free. Do not even apply moisturizer or deodorant. This goes for 24 hours after the treatment too.


4. Always visit an expert dermatologist: Candidates interested in laser hair reduction should understand it is not a simple procedure. It has risks, even though it is performed extensively in salons and spas. The best recommendation to achieve safe results is to go to an expert dermatologist with relevant experience in laser treatment. Dr. Rasya Dixit is an expert skin doctor in Bangalore and has years of experience in performing laser skin and hair treatments.


5. Swelling should be normal afterwards: It is expected to have swelling, redness, stinging, or itching in the treated area following laser hair removal for up to 48 hours. This may continue for several days. Over-the-counter hydrocortisone or aloe vera may be used to alleviate redness and irritation.


6. Results will vary: Candidates should know laser hair reduction is a process that ideally should be customized to the body area and the type of hair. Results vary depending on several factors including the areas being treated and fluctuating hormonal levels. Some people report seeing no hair returning after 10 years or more, while some people experience regrowth sooner and rely on multiple sessions to keep unwanted hair at bay. In rare cases, laser hair reduction may cause thicker, darker hair to regrow in an adjacent area to the one being treated.


7. Stay out of the sun: The assumption behind laser hair reduction is to identify the pigment in the hair follicles and target that specifically to get rid of the unwanted hair. To do the laser treatment effectively, it is recommended to be as close to the baseline skin color as possible by refraining from excessive sun exposure or tanning from the sun for at least two weeks prior to laser hair reduction treatments.


8. Share with the dermatologist about any medication one is taking: As far as medication goes, it is very important, to be honest with the dermatologist. Having an open conversation in advance is best. If one is taking any kind of antibiotics when the treatment is going on, it could end up with burns, which can be difficult to get rid of. Any medications that are photosensitive need to be stopped at least one week prior to treatment.


9. There are different lasers for different skin types: Not every laser is appropriate for every skin color. Light skin responds best to a short wavelength, which is easy on the skin and effective on fair hair. People with dark skin need a long wavelength to bypass the epidermis.


10. Use the recommended products: Treated areas may appear sunburnt after the treatment. An active skin care product and a cold compress will ease discomfort and swelling. Avoid applying make-up to the treated area and stay out of the sun. The skin will be sensitive to the sun for 48 hours after the treatment. Do not use any topical products that cause photosensitivity in the treated areas. Use a gentle cleanser and lotion on the treated areas.


11. Have logical expectations: It takes more than one session to see remarkable results. It is very important to keep in mind that no laser clinic can claim 100% hair reduction as some hair will always strive to grow back. Re-growth can be affected by hormones and other biological factors which can differ from person to person. Different parts of the body have different growth rates and therefore could take longer or shorter depending on which spot the laser is targeted. Maintenance sessions can help one to achieve the best long-lasting outcomes.


12. Be consistent: One of the biggest mistakes people make is not completing the necessary amount of sessions. The timing of the treatments dramatically influences the outcome due to hair growth patterns. Make sure to attend appointments religiously at intervals advised by the dermatologist for best results.


If one is interested in laser hair removal treatment and wants to get smooth hair-free skin. They can consult Dr. Rasya Dixit, an expert laser doctor in India to know more about laser hair removal cost in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit’s Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.

7 Winter Skincare Tips By A Skin Specialist

Every year with the change in seasons, most people notice changes in their skin. With the onset of the winter season, the nip in the air brings along many skin troubles. The skin becomes dry and cracked because there is less humid air in cold environments and abrasive conditions such as wind which makes it harder for the skin to sustain its natural protective oils. Hence, following a good skincare regimen is the only way to maintain skin health. In this blog, the best skin specialist in Bangalore- Dr. Rasya Dixit has shared seven winter skincare tips that can help one achieve healthy skin even in the winter season. Continue reading, to know more.




  1. Drink plenty of water: In the cold season, most individuals don’t feel like drinking a lot of water or simply forget its intake. But, it is important to remember that in winters the skin cannot retain much of its moisture so there is a need to keep the body hydrated to replenish some of the water content of the body. It’s better to swap the daily intake of tea with green coffee that has greater antioxidant effects. Moreover, skin’s gentle cleansing is a must to keep the skin healthy and retain its vital moisture. Remember not to cleanse the face more than twice a day as it can also further dehydrate the skin. Use a gentle moisturiser right after taking a bath or washing the face.


  1. Avoid getting indulged in hot showers: Taking a hot bath or shower can disrupt the lipid bilayer of the skin. As the essential oils of the skin are stripped off by hot water, the skin becomes dry, begins to crack or flake and gets irritated due to water loss. Hence, Dr. Rasya Dixit, bestskin doctor in Bangalore recommends keeping the temperature at a moderate level and avoiding prolonged stay under hot water so that at least a bit of moisture can be preserved.


  1. Have a check on the ingredients of skin care products to tailor the skincare needs: One must ensure that the skincare products they choose contain ultra-nourishing or hydrating ingredients. The ingredients listed at the backside of these products must include hyaluronic acid (the natural substance with the greatest water retaining ability) and peptides and ceramides (to restore and strengthen the skin barrier so that it holds more moisture). Lightweight hydrating oils (such as jojoba), squalene, and shea can also help in keeping skin hydrated. The moisturizers, body lotions, or oils must be applied to the skin when it is still damp after a not-too-hot shower or face washing. This helps lock in extra moisture.


  1. Use humidifiers or apply hydrating mists: Humidifiers can maintain the moisture in the air at an ideal level, thereby protecting the skin when the person is indoors. A canopy humidifier is usually recommended as it prevents the entry of bacteria and molds and the evaporation system releases only hydrated, pure air and not water vapor. Hydrating mists can be sprayed on the facial skin so that it does not become dry, itchy, or sensitive.


  1. Keep the lips well-moisturized: As the lips have only three to five cellular layers of the skin and no oil glands, they tend to get extremely dry in the winter. Therefore, it is very important to keep applying petroleum jelly or any moisturizing lip balm to quickly heal dry, cracked lips.


  1. Daily apply sunscreens: Although winter has more cloudy and foggy days and fewer UVB rays that are known to cause skin sunburn and redness, there are still UVA rays coming from sunlight that can cause some amount of skin damage. Hence, it is recommended to wear broad-spectrum sunscreens of SPF 30 or above daily. To know more about the use of sunscreen for different skin types one can consult Dr. Rasya Dixit, skin specialist in Bangalore, India at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.


  1. Don’t skip hand and neck skincare: These are the other two areas of the body that greatly suffer during winter. The neck is considered to be a part of the face, hence keeping it hydrated and moisturized as well as cleansing it properly is equally important. Moreover, people frequently wash their hands all through the day, so applying hand cream and keeping it accessible at all times is recommended. For additional moisture, cuticle oil can be applied properly once a day so that even the nails are perfectly healthy.


At Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, the best skin clinic in Bangalore several skin hydrating treatments are offered that help one to make their skin look brighter, hydrated, and rejuvenated. To know more please feel free to visit!

Stretch Marks: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Giving birth to a new life is a very beautiful experience for every woman. Her capability to nurture life in her body is just amazing. When her stomach is stretching and preparing to welcome a new one in their life gives a bundle of joy, but this also welcomes stretch marks, and all this occurs due to the stretching of the skin. Stretch marks are a sign of rapid weight loss or gain, which are generally red, purple initially, and then over a period of time turn white and gray. Many men and women find these stretch marks embarrassing and unattractive, so they look for solutions to diminish the appearance of stretch marks. Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology provides the best stretch marks treatment in Bangalore by using Microneedling treatment with Growth Factor Treatment, TIXEL treatment, and Fractional CO2 laser and Fractional Microneedle RF treatments. This clinic has a very qualified medical team and uses newer techniques to provide the best possible services to their patients.


What are stretch marks?


Stretch marks are bands of parallel lines that appear on the skin due to sudden weight fluctuation, and muscle building. When touched by the fingers, stretch marks feel slightly ridge or indented on the skin. The most common areas that affected by stretch marks include:


  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen


What are the causes of stretch marks?


Stretch marks usually happen due to stretching of the skin and due to an increase in the cortisone levels in the body. Cortisone is a naturally produced hormone in the body by the adrenal gland. When the levels of this hormone increases in the body, then it makes the skin lose its elasticity. If an individual is looking for stretch marks reduction in Bangalore, then they can visit at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology. The clinic provides the best treatment and technology to treat this skin condition.


Some common reasons for stretch marks include:

  • Many females experience stretch marks due to pregnancy as the skin stretches during pregnancy as it is making room for the new developing baby.
  • Stretch marks also appear when a person, whether its male or female, loses or gains weight rapidly.
  • Certain medications can also cause stretch marks by reducing the ability of the skin to stretch.
  • Certain diseases such as Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome can also cause stretch marks by increasing the levels of cortisone in the body.

What are the symptoms of stretch marks?


When stretch marks start to develop, then that area of skin looks pink and thin. It may feel slight irritation or itching. Initially, these marks appear as raised streaks, wrinkly and can be pink, purple, red, brown in color. With time, these streaks eventually fade up and become silvery or white.


What are the medical treatments available for stretch marks?


There are several ways to minimize the appearance of stretch marks, some of the best treatments available at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology include:


Microneedling treatment with Growth Factor Treatment: This treatment aims to induce collagen in the skin, which improves the texture of the skin. The additional growth factors also help in the multiplication of fibroblasts, which helps skin to recover quickly.


Tixel treatment: This is a new revolutionized treatment that helps to deliver controlled levels of heat to the fibroblasts that create micro-injuries in the skin and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in the skin.


Fractional CO2 laser and Fractional Microneedle RF treatments: It is a minimally invasive technology that uses very fine sterilized needles to cause microscopic injuries in the skin that helps in stimulating collagen production, which tighten the skin. This treatment is given with growth factor treatment in cases where it is difficult to treat stretch marks.


Dr. Rasya Dixit is the best dermatologist in Bangalore who has more than a decade of experience in providing the best skin and hair treatments. She keeps updating her knowledge by participating in research and trainings in a fast-evolving cosmetic dermatology space. Her clinic follows all safety protocols, including blood and infection control procedures and pollution control measures conforming to international and national standards. To know more visit, Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology or drop a mail at




Chemical Peel Treatment for A Healthy Youthful Skin

Chemical peels are one of the best non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments that significantly improve and smoothen the texture of the facial skin by removing the damaged outer layer. This technique is used to improve the appearance of the skin of the face, neck, and hands. In this treatment, a medicated chemical solution is applied to the skin, causing it to exfoliate and eventually shed off. The new skin is smoother, flawless, rejuvenated, and wrinkle-free. The skin concerns targeted by chemical peels are:

  • acne
  • acne scars
  • wrinkles
  • fine lines
  • dark spots
  • pigmentation


Different types of chemical peels like lactic acid, glycolic acid peel, salicylic acid peel, and fruit acid peel are used to treat above-mentioned skin concerns. Depending upon their strength, these peels work on different skin layers and help correct skin irregularities.


Dr. Rasya Dixit is one of the best skin specialist in Bangalore who performs the best chemical treatment using the safest chemical formulations. She is known to provide the latest skincare treatments and cosmetic procedures in Bangalore.


1. Chemical Peels for Acne and acne scars

Acne and acne scars are the commonest skin concerns which are mostly seen in teens and younger adults. Acne occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. This is generally caused due to hyperactivity of oil glands and is mostly seen on shoulders, upper arms, face, chest, and back. It may be due to hormonal imbalance, stress, pollution, etc. The healing of acne leaves dark acne scars on the skin. Treatment for acne and acne scars depends on the extent and severity of the skin problem. A chemical peel is one of the best treatments to cure acne and acne scar conditions, as the chemical peel treatment helps to break dark acne scar, shrink enlarged open pores, and boost collagen production.


2. Chemical Peels for Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is used to describe the dark patches or spots on skin caused due to excess melanin production. A chemical peel is one of the best pigmentation treatments, and it uses chemicals at a stronger concentration to treat the desired area of the skin. A chemical peel works faster than any cosmetic product, and the treatment is provided by an expert doctor based on individual skin conditions. Hence, it is the most reliable and safe option for pigmentation treatment. Chemical peel removes the outer skin layer and helps in the growth of new skin cells. It causes controlled damaged and helps remove dark patches of pigmentation.


3. Chemical Peels for uneven skin texture & wrinkles
Chemical peels remove several layers of sun-damaged skin cells, revealing fresher skin with a finer surface. The peel stimulates the formation of new collagen that improves skin texture and reduces fine lines and wrinkles.


Chemical peels provide a significant improvement over a short period of time.


Chemical peels are effectively used to:

  • Reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth.
  • Treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging.
  • Improve the appearance of mild scars.
  • Treat different types of acne.
  • Reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches.
  • Improve the skin texture.


An individual undergoing chemical peel must avoid sun exposure and smoking because it can increase the risk of unwanted side effects like infection and scarring.


Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic is one of the best cosmetic clinics in Bangalore which helps one attain healthy and radiant skin. To know more about chemical peels cost in Bangalore, consult today with Dr. Rasya Dixit.




Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Smooth hair-free skin is loved by everyone! Hair removal with traditional methods like waxing, shaving, tweezing are time-consuming and have to be repeated at regular intervals. They are painful and do not yield effective results. Laser hair reduction is considered as an effective, efficient, and safe treatment, which provides long term solutions from unwanted body hair. The laser hair reduction treatment can be performed on any body part such as arms,legs, face, armpits, chest, back, bikini line, hands, etc. This treatment provides the best hair free results, and the new hair that grows is finer and almost invisible. Dr. Rasya Dixit is the best skin specialist in Bangalore under whose guidance all the effective & safe laser treatments are performed. Dr. Dixit has advanced lasers that help people in getting rid of unwanted body hair. At her clinic, lasers like a diode, alexandrite, and Nd: YAG are used to provide the desired hair-free results to the individuals.


Benefits of laser hair reduction treatment :


Treatments don’t take long:

Laser hair reduction is a quick procedure. It just takes about 10-20 minutes to perform the treatment on a small target area. Large target areast takes longer where the hair growth is denser and thicker, like arms and legs. This treatment is quite fast than traditional methods. In no time the procedure is done and is time-saving in the longer run.



Traditional methods are very costly and have to be performed at regular intervals. Laser hair reduction treatment is a cost-effective treatment in the long run as it provides long-lasting hair-free skin. Laser hair reduction treatment will eliminate the need for spending an endless amount of money on waxing appointments, shaving cream, razors, etc. Laser hair reduction is financially smarter and takes less time and yields safe and long-lasting results. The cost of laser hair removal in Bangalore at Dr. Dixit Dermatology Clinic depends on various factors like the target area, the experience of a dermatologist, the skin type, hair density, hair color, and the type of laser used to remove hair.


It eliminates ingrown hair:

Ingrown hairs that usually form after waxing or shaving are not formed after laser treatment. Laser hair reduction prevents and also eliminates ingrown hair formation. This is considered as the best solution for people who have sensitive skin and suffer from skin irritation after shaving or waxing procedures. So no more risk of burns, irritation, cuts, and ingrown hair with laser hair reduction treatment.


Painless treatment:

Laser hair reduction treatment just works by imparting an intense beam of light of laser light on the dark pigment present in the hair follicles, and further damages it. This treatment is safe and does not pose any harm to the surrounding skin area. It just targets the melanin in the roots of the hair, which destroys the hair or inhibits the growth of the hair.


Precision improved:

Laser hair reduction selectively targets dark coarse hair, which leaves the surrounding skin undamaged. Laser hair reduction provides more precision and control over hair growth.


Long-lasting results:

Unlike other forms of hair removal, laser hair reduction provides effective and long-lasting results. Hair removed by laser do not grow back for several months or years. Even if the hair grows after many years, they are very finer, lighter, and not visible. Maintenance sessions are recommended to achieve long-lasting results.


Laser hair reduction is a safe medical procedure that helps people in getting rid of unwanted body hair. Before considering the procedure, an individual’s skin is examined by the doctor to determine if they are an ideal candidate for this procedure. Laser hair removal in Bangalore is effectively performed at Dr. Dixit Dermatology Clinic, and here the procedure is performed under the guidance of an expert dermatologist. Dr. Rasya Dixit has helped many patients in removing unwanted body hair. For more information on laser hair removal cost in Bangalore, visit today!




Deep Insight Into Dermal Fillers and its Benefits

Dermal filler is one of the most popular minimally invasive procedure that helps to diminish facial lines, soften facial creases, improve the appearance of scars, and restore volume and fullness of the face. These injectables also help in plumping thin lips, enhance shallow contours, and also reconstruct the face contour deformities. This cosmetic treatment doesn’t involve any cut or surgery and helps one to get a youthful look just with the help of injectables that contain fillers. Dermal fillers are composed of a natural substance called hyaluronic acid that holds the property of retaining water, and it adds fullness to the area that has thinned or sagged due to aging. Dermal filler is commonly used in the cheeks, lips, around the mouth and hands, under eyes, and many more. The soft tissue fillers are injected on the surface of the skin to add volume and fullness.


Dr. Rasya Dixit is the
best skin specialist in Bangalore, who provides effective and advanced treatments of various skin and hair and general concerns at her clinic, Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic. The clinic offers all safe and advanced skin and hair treatments, which enhance the appearance of an individual.


Dermal fillers can be used for:

Enhancing thin lips

Improving the appearance of shallow contours

Softening the appearance of wrinkles and lines

Improving scars appearance

Improving facial deformities

Correcting droopy eyelids


Dermal fillers are beneficial in combating the early signs of aging and provide complete skin rejuvenation. Dermal fillers can also soften static wrinkles around the mouth and the cheeks. Dermal filler is a temporary procedure and has to be performed at regular intervals to maintain the results. Dermal fillers in Bangalore are available at Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.


Dermal fillers plump the areas that have lost volume and smoothness, and this procedure must be performed under the supervision of an expert dermatologist. Dermal fillers are not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.


The best thing about dermal fillers is that it does not require any downtime. The procedure can be done in 20-30 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. Redness might appear post the treatment, but after a few hours, it will disappear. Dermal fillers show results quickly and give natural-looking results that do not alter the facial expressions of a person. The best thing about this procedure is that the results can be reversed. The hyaluronic acid injected can be removed with the help of hyaluronidase that helps to dissolve the filler. It is performed in cases when one is not happy with the results.


The cost of dermal fillers in Bangalore depends upon various factors like the experience of a dermatologist, location of the clinic, target area, type of filler used, number of sessions performed, and the skin concerns being addressed during the treatment.


Dr. Rasya Dixit has helped many patients in attaining the desired results with the help of dermal fillers and other advanced treatments. Dermal fillers are provided according to skin type and skin concern and must be performed by a skilled expert so that one can achieve the best results. Dr. Dixit has a vast experience in providing injectable treatment like fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. To attain an enhanced and beautiful look with dermal fillers, visit Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic.


